Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


The JAPEX Group recruits and promotes various talents regardless of gender, or nationality, age, etc. We are also developing a corporate and organizational culture where all employees can demonstrate their abilities, improving the workplace environment, and reviewing our personnel system.

Basic Policy

JAPEX established the JAPEX Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Policy in December 2021. This policy is a revision of the JAPEX Diversity Policy, which was established in 2016 and has been promoted since then, to incorporate the concepts of equity and inclusion in light of recent changes in the external and our business environment.

We have formulated an action plan and set targets based on this policy to promote diversity activities.

JAPEX Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Policy

Established in December, 2021

In order to respond to changes in the business environment and achieve further growth as a comprehensive energy company, we regard the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) as an important management issue, and aim to strengthen our corporate competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. To this end, we enable our diverse employees to create new value by encouraging each and every one to play their active role and grow their careers through fully demonstrating their inherent capabilities.

By respecting diversity in terms of gender, nationality, age, disability, career, personality, and values, and by correcting social imbalances caused by these characteristics and differences, we will realize an organizational culture in which all employees can be productive and active.

◆Foster an organizational culture that makes the most of diversity
We seek to improve productivity and create innovation by fostering an organizational culture that makes the most of their individual characteristics and qualities of all employees, with positively accepting diversity and respecting differences.

◆Promote the activities of diverse human resources
By securing outstanding talents regardless of gender, nationality, age, etc., and by providing timely and appropriate placement and training as well as providing support for career and skill development tailored to each employee, we put in place a system that allows all human resources to demonstrate their capabilities and play their active role as self-directed professionals, thereby increasing individual engagement.

◆Create an environment that respects diversity
We promote the development of a work environment that allows employees to exert themselves to the fullest in all situations, taking into consideration the circumstances and characteristics of each individual, including childcare, nursing care, disabilities, and LGBTQ+.

Michiro Yamashita
Representative Director and President


Main Measures

Career Support System

JAPEX has introduced a system to support employees in continuing their careers and career advancement by allowing them to demonstrate their inherent potential without being affected by various life events.

  • Support for childcare costs for sick children and business trips
    • Actual expenses paid by the company for childcare for sick children and extended childcare for business trips to double-income full-time employees (until children reach the fourth grade of elementary school)
  • Childcare support for employees returning to full-time work
    • Actual childcare costs paid by the company when double-income employees with children under the age of three return to full-time work after maternity leave, childcare leave, or reduced working hours
  • Unpaid leave when an employee's spouse is transferred overseas
    • A 10-day unpaid leave for long-term stays at the destination of the spouse
  • Job return system for employees whose spouse has been transferred overseas
    • Reemployment system for employees who retired due to overseas relocation of their spouse

Dealing with Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is something that we all have, cultivated through our individual experiences to date. However, if we do not realize this bias and impose it on others, it may hinder the exercise of each person's individuality and the growth of the organization.

As part of efforts to raise awareness of diversity, JAPEX holds seminars for managers on how to recognize and deal with unconscious bias.


Dealing with Sexual Minorities

JAPEX considers the effort to appropriately recognize and accept sexual minorities such as LGBTQ+ as one of the promoting measures for DE&I.

We have the "Inner Rule of Same-sex Partnership," which defines treating our employees' same-sex partners in the same manner as legally married spouses, and it enables employees to apply for allowances and benefits in the relevant inner rules.

Also, to prevent prejudice and discrimination against sexual minorities, the "Inner Rule of Anti-harassment" sets the harassment regarding SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) as an object to prevent.


Targets and Achievements

Mid-Career Recruitment

JAPEX has been conducted the mid-career recruitment primarily targeting human resources with new perspectives and expertise. We have also set a goal to achieve 50% of mid-careers in our recruit numbers each year.

Disclosure of the ratio of mid-career recruitment based on the Law for the Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Policies

Disclosed on June 1, 2024

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Ratio of mid-career hires to full-time workers 56.4% 52.1% 62.7%

Efforts to Recruit Women to Management Positions

JAPEX has formulated action plans based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace and the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, taking action to achieve our targets.

Target for the end of FY2025 (Action plans based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace)

  • Increase the number of female managers from 19 (as of the end of 2020) to 25 or more.
  • Increase the number of female department managers.
  • Increase the ratio of female new-graduates to 30% or more.
  • Increase the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave from 44.1% (in FY2019) to 80% or more.

Obtaining Certification

  • Certification of the "Kurumin"

In August 2018, JAPEX obtained the Next-Generation Certification Mark (nicknamed "Kurumin") certification from the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a childcare support company that balances work and childcare according to the action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (April 2016 to March 2018).


  • Certification of the "Eruboshi"

In February 2021, we acquired the "Eruboshi" certification mark (third level) from the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, as a company with excellent implementation of initiatives to promote women's activities.


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