Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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Renewable Energy Development


JAPEX has been making efforts to develop renewable energy sources, such as biomass, wind, photovoltaic, and geothermal.

In renewable energy projects, we leverage our oil and gas E&P technologies such as surveying subsurface structure and drilling, expertise in constructing and operating natural gas power plants, and our experience in building good relations with local communities.

Besides, we have roles in the operation phase of the participating projects, including asset management, fuel procurement, and others.

Biomass power generation

JAPEX has been participating several biomass development projects in Japan. We also have been pursuing the possibility of participating in additional projects related to biomass power plants, including large biomass power plants that use general wood as fuel; and small biomass plants that use unused domestic wood as fuel, which is an energy source produced and consumed locally.

Biomass power generation, using biological resources that grow by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the process of photosynthesis, has attracted growing attention as one of the carbon-free energy sources in Japan. Biomass energy, using unused biological resources as fuel, also contributes to driving recycling-oriented society.

Biomass power generation project in operation

  • Abashiri Biomass Power Generation Project: the 2nd & 3rd Power Plants (Abashiri City, Hokkaido)
  • Ozu Biomass Power Generation Project (Ozu City, Ehime)

Biomass power generation projects under development

  • Chofu Biomass Power Generation Project (Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi)
  • Tahara Biomass Power Generation Project (Tahara City, Aichi)

Supply of biomass fuel for power generation

JAPEX or our subsidiaries are responsible for supply of the biomass fuel for the Chofu, Ozu, and Tahara biomass power generation projects under the fuel supply contracts with the project owners respectively.

In executing supply of the biomass fuel that we are entrusted with, we have established the "Commitment Regarding Handling of Certified Biomass Products in Supply of the Biomass Fuel " and have obtained the CoC(*1) certification under FSC®(*2) , PEFC(*3) , GGL(*4), and SBP(*5), the international biomass certification systems.

Commitment Regarding Handling of Forest Certified Products in Supply of the Biomass Fuel(206KB),Japanese language only.

Commitment Regarding Compliance with GGL Certification Requirementsfor Biomass fuel Supply Operations (285 KB),Japanese language only.


*1: Chain of Custody, which certifies the proper processing and distribution of forest products from certified forests.

*2: Forest Stewardship Council is an international nongovernmental organization that promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. To learn more, visit www.fsc.org.

*3: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, a certification program that mutually recognizes forest certification schemes around the world.

*4: Green Gold Label, which provides assurances that the sourced biomass products are from a sustainable source. The scheme takes both the origin and the supply chain information into account.

*5: The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) is a certification scheme designed for woody biomass used in industrial, large-scale energy production.

Photovoltaic (Solar Power)

JAPEX currently is involved in the operation of three photovoltaic (PV) power plants in Japan. We have been exploring opportunities to participate in especially new mega solar power projects.

Photovoltaic (solar power) projects in operation

  • Mega-solar project within our Hokkaido Office site (Tomakomai City, Hokkaido)
  • Mega-solar project by Solar Power Tomakomai (Tomakomai City, Hokkaido)
  • Mitsuke PV Power Plant (Mitsuke City, Niigata)

Other participating photovoltaic project

  • PHOTON sustainable PV investment (Investment in non-FIT PV power projects across Japan both in development and operation)

Offshore wind power generation

JAPEX has been looking into potential opportunities to participate in wind power generation projects, primarily offshore wind power projects which can take advantage of the geographical features of Japan surrounded by the sea on all sides.

Geothermal power generation

JAPEX has been studying geothermal power generation since 1970s. In recent years, we have conducted feasibility studies primarily in Hokkaido and the Tohoku region. Geothermal power related businesses, which use hot steam and water rising from underground, have much in common with the oil/gas E&P business in that both explore resources underground.

Geothermal power generation is expected to help ensure stable supply of energy in all weather. Also, hot water returned from power generation can be used for hot water supply, heating, and greenhouse culture, ultimately contributing to revitalization of regional communities.


Reference Image of Geothermal Energy Development

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