Social Contribution Activities
In order to promote understanding of the JAPEX Group's business and contribute to society through our business activities, we are engaged in a variety of social contribution activities in the areas surrounding our offices and elsewhere.
Contributing to the Local Community
Aiming to promote understanding of the JAPEX Group's business activities and develop together as a local community, we are conducting social contribution activities in the areas surrounding the offices where JAPEX or projects in which JAPEX participates perform operations.
Iraq: Garraf Project
With the operator PETRONAS, JAPEX has been engaged in a variety of community activities, with a particular emphasis on education and social welfare.
- Education: Repairing facilities at local elementary and junior high schools and donating water purification filters
- Social welfare: Donating wheelchairs and medical equipment to areas where the expansion of medical facilities is an issue
We also provide food during the Ramadan in the Islamic calendar, and meat for low-income families in the community during sacrificial festivals, following the cultural customs of the local community.
Indonesia: Kangean Project
We have provided free electricity and water to about 6,000 people on Pagelungan Island using our own power generation at our production facilities. We also donated a certain amount of money every year to the island and the surrounding sea islands to help fund the construction and repair of schools.
Facility Tours and Work Experience
JAPEX offers tours of our facilities for local governments and residents of the surrounding areas to deepen their understanding of our business, as well as work experience opportunities for local students and pupils.
Tour of the Soma District Office by local school students
Local Events and Activities
As a member of the local community, the JAPEX Group sponsors events and activities organized by local governments and community groups. We also dispatch lecturers to local lectures and exhibit booths at industrial and other events to promote understanding of our business.
Contributing to Local Safety and Security
The JAPEX Group's employees take part in volunteer activities to improve safety and security in the communities where our offices are located.
- Nagaoka District Office
- Volunteering to stand guard during school hours at intersections where there are no pedestrian-only traffic lights on the routes to nearby elementary and junior high schools
- Also, continuing cleaning activities in the vicinity of the office, including the mine site
- Hokkaido District Office
- Participating in the Tomakomai City Traffic Safety Promotion Committee's traffic safety campaign "Large-scale Flag Wave Operation"
- Cleaning activities at the commuter roads in the waterfront area
Disaster Support Activities
The JAPEX Group contributes relief supplies and monetary donations to the victims of disasters in the areas around our offices. Our employees also has been participating in disaster volunteer activities in the affected areas.
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