Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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Health Management


The JAPEX Group practices health management with the belief that taking care of employees' health contributes to the company's growth and sustainability.

Based on the JAPEX Group Code of Ethics and Conducts, the JAPEX HSE Policy, and the JAPEX Health Management Declaration, we have established a health management promotion system to support employees with maintaining and promoting their health in various ways.


JAPEX Health Management Declaration

In October 2020, JAPEX established the JAPEX Health Management Declaration to demonstrate our commitment to promoting health management as one of the management issues of the JAPEX Group.

JAPEX Health Management Declaration

Established in October 2020

The JAPEX group has the mission for stable energy supply and making social contributions by our business. Aiming to realize our sustainable growth and value maximization based on the mission, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) is the top priority in our business actions.

With understanding that each employee's health is essential for sustainable growth and value maximization, JAPEX declares to promote health management.

  • Always be conscious of occupational safety and health and strive to ensure it and prevent industrial accidents.
  • Create a comfortable work environment for better health both physically and mentally, including promoting work-life balance.
  • Respect the diversity in values, individuality, and privacy and prevent discrimination and harassment.
  • Promote physical and mental health in cooperation with the health insurance association and the labor union so that employees and their families can live healthily for longer years.

Michiro Yamashita
Representative Director and President

Reporting System

JAPEX has established a reporting system with the President in charge and the Human Resources Department and the General Affairs Department of each office as secretariats. The secretariat is also responsible for coordinating with industrial health staff and external parties and for operating the Health Committee.

The Health Committee, which meets monthly, includes industrial physicians, employee representatives, and representatives from the occupational health departments. The committee formulates and deliberates policies for activities to create a comfortable work environment, including matters related to employees health and hygiene. The contents of deliberations and important matters are reported to the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and HSSE committee members as necessary.


Health Management Reporting System

Main indicators in Health Management

Based on the belief that health of each employee is important and contributes to the growth as well as the sustainability of our company, we place emphasis on work engagement as one of the final indicators and aim to achieve a score of 6.0 in fiscal year 2026.

  • FY2021
FY2022 FY2023
  • Presenteeism*1
19.3 % 26.3 % 27.3 %
  • Absenteeism*2
1.1 days 1.4 days 2.1 days
  • Work engagement*3
5.2 points 5.0 points 5.0 points

Number of Participants and Response Rates in FY 2023

Presenteeism: Conducted with 1,303 individuals, Response rate 92.7% (1,208 individuals)

Absenteeism: Calculated from the work data of 1,225 individuals (2.1 days)

Work Engagement: Conducted with 1,303 individuals, Response rate 92.7% (1,208 individuals)

*1: Average of answers based on SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Question by University of Tokyo)

*2: Average of all employees' using days of the system on sick/injury absence, leave of absence, reducing working hours converted in days

*3: Average responses to two questions related to the New Occupational Stress Quick Survey and Work Engagement.

Priority issues for health management

In order to achieve the final indicators of our health management strategy map, we are conducting effectiveness verification, and based on the results of health checkups, health surveys, etc., we are evaluating lifestyle-related diseases, mental health, and women's health. We view these as three major issues and are focusing on them. Introducing a system that allows each person to manage medical checkup results and health-related data at any time, as well as health-related e-learning, introducing a smoking ban all day in the office at some offices such as the head office, providing company subsidies for smoking cessation support products, and providing support to all employees. We are strengthening our efforts to maintain and improve the health of our employees, including holding seminars on cancer specific to women.

Priority issues

Target indicators





Lifestyle-related diseases

Maintaining healthy





Smoking Rate





Mental health

High stress levels in stress checks

5~10% maintained




Women's Health

Training for women-specific health issues





Measures to address priority issues

Our company is implementing a variety of initiatives to address health issues. To improve and resolve health issues, it is important to continue working on them, and we regularly verify their effectiveness and review our initiatives and measures as necessary.

Measures against lifestyle-related diseases

  • Specific health guidance interviews by health insurance associations
  • Waist circumference measurement for young people (under 40 years old)
  • Diet Campaign: FY2022 92 participants , FY2023 134 participants, FY 2024 138 participants
  • Walking CampaignFY2022 186 participants, FY2023 209 participants, FY 2024 191 participants

Smoking cessation measures

  • Smoke-Free Office (in some locations)
  • Establishment of Smoking-Free hours and days (in some locations)
  • Smoking cessation workshops conducted by occupational health physicians
  • Full provision of smoking cessation aids
  • Full provision of smoking cessation programFY2023 8 participants
  • Award for quitting smoking

Mental health measures

  • Mental health consultation counter
  • Stress check:FY2021 82.5%, FY2022 91.1%, FY2023 92.7%
  • Group analysis and feedback on stress checks
  • Mental health training/Attendance rate:FY2022 43.2%, FY2023 17.3% 
  • Psychological safety seminars

Women's Health Support

  • Establishment of a women's health consultation service
  • Conducting female employees-oriented surveys on health
  • Seminars by university professors on cancers that predominantly affect women (152 participants, satisfaction rate of 4.15, (on the scale of 1 for not satisfied at all to 5 for very satisfied)
  • E-learning modules on women-specific health topics

Employee health management

In addition to the legally mandated regular medical checkups, we recommend that employees over the age of 35 and 40 undergo a complete medical checkup. Furthermore, we provide not only medical checkups at the time of employment but also medical checkups for workers dispatched for specific jobs and overseas as needed.
To encourage early detection of cancer among employees, we treat cancer screenings recommended by local governments as part of their working hours.
We also take measures to prevent infectious diseases, such as influenza vaccinations.

Employees health checkup/implementation rate

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023

Regular medical checkups rate

100% 100% 100%

Detailed examination consultation rate

68.8% 80.7% 93.8%

Specified medical checks rate(overall)

94.3% 91.1%

Specified health guidance rate

43.2% 28.7%
  • Interviews after medical checkups
  • Specific health guidance interviews by health insurance associations
  • Mental health consultations

Employees' Health Check-ups Results (over 40 years old)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023

Regular exerciser rate

28.4% 28.8% 28.2%

Percentage "Well rested through sleep"

66.8% 69.4% 65.2%

Regular drinking rate

28.5% 31.4% 30.3%

Blood-pressure risk rate

0.4% 0.8% 1.2%

Potential of blood-sugar risk rate

0.3% 0.5% 0.3%

Poor diabetes control rate

1.1% 1.4% 0.8%

For data on the rate of people maintaining a healthy weight and the rate of smoking, please see the Health Management Priority Issues above.

High-risk situation based on health checkup results

Data on hypertension

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023

Hypertension rate

19.3% 11.8% 15.0%

Treatment rate for hypertension

92.2% 86.4% 92.3%

Control rate of hypertension

61.2% 66.7% 62.3%

Status of employees on medical leave due to injury or illness

  • Rate of employees on medical leaves due to injury or illness: FY2023 0.5%

Calculated based on employees on leave for one month or more consecutively, as of the end of the fiscal year.

Health app

  • Introducing a service that allows employees to record and view medical checkup results, life logs, etc.

Prevention of Infectious Diseases

At each business site in Japan and overseas, we check for health risks, including infectious diseases, as part of the HSE Management System execution cycle, and provide thorough infectious disease prevention education to employees. Additionally, as part of our Business Continuity Plan (BCP), we are taking measures such as vaccinations in preparation for infectious disease outbreaks during normal times.

As a measure to reduce the risk of infectious diseases among employees, we are conducting mass vaccinations against influenza at our workplaces, subsidizing the cost of vaccinations, conducting measles and rubella antibody tests during health checkups. In addition, we provide medical check-ups for expatriates and their accompanying families before, during and after their departure, and provide vaccinations and preventive medications for diseases in the host country.

  • Influenza vaccination rate:FY2021 63.5%, FY2022 57.6%, FY2023 57.5%

Improving employee health

We are implementing the following initiatives to support the health improvement of each employee.

Exercising habits

  • Daily radio exercises
  • Diet campaign
  • Walking campaign

Starting from FY 2022, to foster connections between employees and the local community through their participation in health promotion activities, we've organized charity events as part of the diet and walking campaigns. These events offer Fukushima, Akita, and Ishikawa Prefectures' recovery support products as prizes.

Communication Enhancement

  • Conducting 1-on-1 meetings
  • Conducting management and employees dialogue
  • Conducting employees' children visit days(for elementary school students)
  • Establishing thanks point system
  • Participation in local events (festivals, volunteer activities, etc.)
  • Support for welfare committee activities
  • Publishing internal reports

Correcting long working hours

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023

Average overtime work per month

(excluding shift workers)

14.9 hours 15.4 hours 15.3 hours

Average days of taking paid leave

15.4 days 15.8 days 15.8 days

Average rate of taking paid leave

81.5% 83.2% 84.3%
  • Fatigue checks for monthly overtime workers (45 hours or more)
  • Occupational health consultations for long overtime workers (80 hours or more)
  • Establishment of company-recommended holidays (promotion of days to take vacation)
  • Promotion of continuous use of paid leave

Training/support system


      FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
    Health e-learning implementation rate 46.1% 17.3%
    • Health related class taught by an industrial physician
    • Health related seminar by external lecturer
    • Training to support the balance between work and childcare/nursing care
    • Training for new employees and new managers (health management policy, mental health, etc.)
    • Health e-learning (exercise, diet, sleep, headaches, shoulder stiffness, alcohol dependence, infectious diseases, etc.)

    Support system

    • Health management room
    • Interview with an idustrial physician
    • Interviews and consultations with industrial health staff (available online)
    • Various consultation desks (health/mental health/women's health, childcare/nursing care, harassment, career, etc.)

    External Evaluation

    Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations

    JAPEX has been selected as one of the " the Health & Productivity Stock Selection 2024" which recognizes excellent health management practices. In addition, we have also been certified as the White 500 Company in Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program.


    Sports Yell Companies

    JAPEX is certified as a Sports Yell Company 2024, which is a company to take active measures to increase its employees' health by supporting and encouraging their sports activities.



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