Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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All officers and employees in the JAPEX Group are committed to act in a fair, sincere and ethical manner. Our continuous efforts are being devoted to foster a corporate culture that emphasizes the compliance with social norms as well as relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations.


In accordance with the JAPEX Group Code of Ethics and Conduct, we have formulated the Compliance Manual and a collection of explanatory materials in the form of case studies, which summarize the key matters and standards to be observed when conducting business operations. These are revised as appropriate and disseminated within the JAPEX Group.

Also, we have established the Management Risk Committee chaired by the President. The committee deliberates on the framework and policies for the proper implementation of compliance-related tasks and conducts investigations into compliance violations.


Principal Compliance Matters

The Compliance Manual specifies the following items as principal compliance matters to be observed.

  1. Compliance with related laws and regulations
  2. Prohibition of acts against corporate interests
  3. Proper accounting and tax reporting
  4. Health, safety, and environment (HSE)
  5. Respect for human rights
  6. Fair procurement and transactions
  7. Maintenance of sound and transparent relations with politics and administration
  8. Prohibition of providing benefits to anti-social forces
  9. Proper management of information
  10. Proper use of information systems
  11. Prohibition of insider trading
  12. Protection of intellectual property rights, etc.

Fostering a Culture of Compliance

We underscore three core elements: CSR, compliance, and prevention of insider trading, as foundational topics that officers and employees should conscientiously integrate into their daily work. These topics are covered in our mandatory  new employee training and career stage training.

In seminars for officers, we address emerging trends and challenges related to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), including compliance as imperative themes to tackle.


Prevention of Bribery and Corruption

The JAPEX Group Code of Ethics and Conduct requires each officer and employee to maintain sound and proper relations with politics and administration. Based on this, detailed compliance requirements are outlined in the Compliance Manual and the Anti Bribery Guideline, which are rigorously being enforced among all members in the JAPEX Group.

Anti Bribery Guideline

To ensure strict compliance with anti-bribery laws and regulations, we have formulated and implemented the Anti Bribery Guideline, which includes the internal check procedures. We are working to enhance the effectiveness through regular self-checks based on the guideline. Also, anti-bribery training is provided for employees to prevent bribery and corruption.    

In 2023 fiscal year, there were no violation cases of anti-bribery laws and regulations. Further, we did not make any political donations.


Whistleblowing Reporting System

JAPEX has an internal reporting system for wide range of compliance matters where those who makes a report  through the system are protected to the fullest extent from any forms of disadvantages. Reports can be made anonymously and to an external attorney.

In 2023 fiscal year, we received one report under this system (excluding reports concerning harassment matters) and handled it appropriately.


Whistleblowing Reporting System

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