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Installation of the Signboard created with students from a School for Special Needs Education

Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd. (JAPEX) created the signboard for the Akebono A base, which is a production base of oil and natural gas with students from the Hokkaido Tomakomai School for Special Needs Education and Ms. Nachiko Murata, who is active mainly as an illustrator at JAPEX's Hokkaido District Office in Tomakomai City and held a ceremony on December 12 to unveil the signboard.

At the ceremony, JAPEX invited the students from the school and Ms. Murata both had jointly created the signboard, and presented a commemorative gift to the school.

As a company engaged in the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas, JAPEX places great importance on working with local communities. JAPEX is particularly committed to social contribution activities around our business sites. This signboard project aimed to give students from the school the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and expressive skills and create a signboard that would symbolize the relationship between JAPEX and the local community. Ms. Murata designed the signboard, students from the school were taken charge of coloring, and the signboard was installed at the production base.

JAPEX will continue to promote understanding of its group's business through social contribution activities centered on the areas around its offices, aiming to develop with the local community.

Please refer the PDF version for the photos.

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Announcement on October 28, 2024"Creation of the Signboard for the production base with students from a School for Special Needs Education"

Please note that the information in the news is as of the announcement date and may be subject to change without notice.

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