Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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Procurement Policy


The JAPEX Group sets procurement policies. We carry out fair and impartial procurement activities based on the policies and strives to procure products and services with low environmental impact.

CSR Procurement Policy

We carry out procurement activities in compliance with laws and regulations, conventional wisdom, and social norms pursuant to the JAPEX Group's CSR Procurement Policy.

CSR Procurement Policy

1.Respect for human rights

We will respect the human rights of all people and give due consideration to our procurement activities not to contribute to any human rights abuses.

2.Employee-friendly work environment

We will always strive to ensure our employees' health and occupational safety and to prevent industrial accidents. We will also cooperate with our suppliers in creating a work environment where our diverse talents will respect each other and demonstrate their abilities.

3.Environmental conservation

We will comply with international frameworks and standards for the conservation of the environment and biodiversity through our responsible procurement and engagement in environmental load reduction.

4.Fair corporate activities

We will comply with laws, regulations, spirit of the law, and social ethic and norms. We will also invite the cooperation of our suppliers to observe them. We will not enter any transactions that could damage our credibility with the public.

5.Ensuring safety and quality

We will strive to ensure the safety and quality of our products and services in cooperation with our suppliers. Should any failure or defect of our products and services occurs, we will establish a structure to take appropriate actions.

6.Information security

We will pay great attention to the treatment of confidential information (including information disclosed by a third party), personal information, and supplier information. We will make sure that only authorized personnel can access the information and that they will manage and protect it appropriately.

7.Supply chain

We will procure goods and services through competitive quotes as our general rule. We will provide fair opportunities to enter transactions to any excellent suppliers that have never traded with us before.

8.Harmony with local communities

We will respect the lifestyles, traditions, and customs of countries and local communities in which we carry out procurement activities. We will strive to build a relationship of mutual trust with local communities with a deep consideration of their safety, health, and any request from them including the creation of opportunities for local procurement activities.


CSR Procurement Guidelines

We, at the JAPEX Group, set out our CSR Procurement Guidelines that illustrate specific actions to fulfill our corporate social responsibility in procurement activities in concert with our suppliers. These guidelines are provided to all our suppliers, including those overseas, with an expectation for strict adherence to the CSR Procurement Policy and Guidelines.

CSR Procurement Guidelines(September, 2022, 112KB)

Green Procurement

The JAPEX Group strives to procure products and services with low environmental impact in accordance with the Basic Policy on Green Procurement.

Basic Policy on Green Procurement

  1. Consider thoroughly the necessity of products, services, and construction before purchasing or starting them.
  2. Give priority to environmentally friendly products and services as much as practicably possible. In construction work, make every effort to reduce environmental impact.
  3. Actively cooperate and engage with suppliers and contractors to preserve local and global environment.

We have set a target of 100% eco-friendly products in the procurement of printing and information paper and stationery and office supplies used at our head office and other offices.

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